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About The Trip

Yad V’Shem and Har Hertzel

iceisrael July 24, 2017

Wow, what an incredible day! We started off with a delicious breakfast at the hotel. Then I almost missed our bus to yad vashem, which would’ve been a shame
because it was a really meaningful experience. We separated into two groups and began our tour through the amazing museum. I learned so much about the Holocaust, from the lives of the Jews before, all the way until their lives post-holocaust. To me, the most touching experience was when we went through the children’s memorial. Hearing the names and stories of the innocent Jewish children who were murdered brought tears to my eyes. Then we went to Har Hertzel which is a cemetery for fallen soldiers and people killed during terrorist attacks in Israel. Zevik told us about his incredibly courageous best friend, Yoval who was killed protecting israel. Then I had time to walk around and see each grave. When I saw the smiling faces of the soldiers and the memories of the soldiers that their loved ones left on their graves, it reminded me how lucky I am to be part of the Jewish people. These soldiers didn’t hesitate to give their lives so that we can live together in our land, that we suffered through the Holocaust and many wars to get. I’m so happy we had such a moving and meaningful day, and I am super exited to end it walking around Ben Yehuda.