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About The Trip

First Shabbat on ICE Israel

iceisrael July 16, 2016

Hi! My name is Gabriel Adelman and this weekend was my first Shabbat on Ice Israel. I have to say it may have been one of the best I’ve had in a while! Some highlights from Shabbat were the singing and dancing towards the end of Shabbat, which is always amazing – this Motzei Shabbat though, we will took it to a different level! Another really cool activity we did was Shabbat afternoon when we were allowed to partner up with chavrutas and learn for a while about whatever we wanted, which was a refreshing break from being told what to learn like we are in school. By far the best part about the whole Shabbat was just the sense of family in the whole group. Can’t wait to see whats next in store!