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About The Trip

Day 2 in Israel!

iceisrael July 14, 2016
Hi everyone!
It’s Davina Goodman or D-Goody as I like to be called. Don’t worry famjam, we all survived the heat, jet lag, cable cars, donkeys, and Tzvi’s rules talk. I am here to talk to you about the fantastic day we had – first we went to Leket, we got to pick eggplants that were going to families that couldn’t afford food to put on their table. It was really fun and whoa there were so many eggplants to pick ??.  After we worked the beautiful land, we got to make our own pitas at Kfar Kedem! Some turned out burnt, some turned out undercooked, but the majority turned out really good – we should become chefs! Then we got to ride some donkeys, we learned how to make the donkey go and stop, some of us had to lead and some of us got to ride, then – don’t stress – we switched. It was a great trust exercise, once someone leads your donkey you guys get pretty tight! Lastly, we went on a cable car that landed on הר כרמל. It was pretty scary but had a great view! My car was filled with cool kids and an awesome advisor named Noah, and we kind of didn’t read the 5 person limit signs that were all over the automatic doors. We thought our doors would stay open the whole time, so we called out to the man working there who looked at us like we were not the brightest bunch. We came back to the kibbutz, Nir Etzion and ate dinner, met with our learning chaburas and afterwards played an awesome game called Human Guess Who – it’s pretty self explanatory. Anyway, I’m super tired. Don’t be too jealous of ICE Israel’s day, you were all there in spirit.
D-Goody out.