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About The Trip

Perspectives from Tour Guide Arky

iceisrael August 8, 2016

Wooooohoooo!!!! Ice Israel!!! What a summer!! Yeahhhh!!!!!! #icezekanviyallahbalagan!!!! I’m gonna miss u guys!!! #pleasedontcrapeme #bus3


This is the best summer of my life! I have had such a fantastic time with this group. I sit back at night thinking how I became a tour guide JUST for ICE Israel summer sixteen! When we first began the trip I was nervous, it being only my second group. However,  this group blew my mind. They are all so witty and knowlegable! Even when we do count off they are way too fast to count. Needless to say, I wouldn’t have been able to get through this summer without the amazing ICE staff and the logistics person! Logistics was so on point and organized, it even felt like I was doing it myself!


In conclusion, this summer has really taught me that I work well with others, can go to sleep at 8 o’clock, and that the tour guide life is really for me.

Definitely written by Arky Staiman

-Arky Staiman